7-10 Days Before the Bar Exam – When the Magic Happens

Posted July 17, 2017 by admin

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whether you’ve given up the last two months of your life studying for the bar exam or you’ve only devoted a week so far to do your best to put it all together – there is still a secret weapon. For some, the remaining time is a blessing and for others it is a curse. However, now is not the time to lose your focus or momentum. These final 7-10 days before the bar exam is when the magic happens. It is important that you approach these final days with the right strategy:

10 days before the bar exam


Whether you have created a schedule for yourself, or you are using your bar review course’s final schedule, make sure you are cycling through all of the topics to keep them fresh in your mind.  Your schedule should include time for substantive review, multiple choice, essays, and if applicable the performance test, short answer questions, etc. ACCEPT THAT YOU WILL NEVER MEMORIZE EVERYTHING. Do not spend five hours studying one subject at the expense of possibly two other subjects. Remember you need to know a little about a lot! So, if you are struggling with your current schedule, let us help you! We tell you exactly when to study and what to study. BarSiege is your secret weapon, a phenomenal schedule that can be used 2 weeks before the bar, 10 days before the bar, even 4 days before the bar exam!

You need SLEEP!

Sleep strengthens new memories and links those memories to earlier ones. While you sleep, your brain is processing the information you have reviewed, your memories are strengthened and consolidated. Sleep deprivation affects your memory, forces your brain to work harder and slows your response time. According to Dr. Robert Stickgold, a sleep expert at Harvard Medical School, students need to “[r]ealize that the sleep you get the night after you study is at least as important as the sleep you get the night before you study.” When it comes to sleep and memory, he says, “you get very little benefit from cutting corners.” Know that sleep deprivation not only affects your memory, but it forces your brain to work harder and slows your response time.

You need the RIGHT MINDSET!

Stress and Anxiety are detrimental to your end goal – passing the bar exam. These emotions are also exhausting. Any time you spend worrying about or stressing over whether you will pass the bar exam, is time and energy you are taking away from your studies. The bar exam is one more step in your journey. Believe in yourself just like we believe in you!

Remember the secret weapon …. BarSiege is one click away. Download it today and Good Luck!

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